Tuesday, November 29, 2011

6 Months

Wyatt now weights 18.2 lbs (75th percentile) and is 28.5 inches long (98 percentile). Lincoln at 6 months was 19.5 lbs and 28 inches, so they're pretty close in size but Wyatt is not nearly as chunky as Bub was and his feet are not even close to the size of Lincolns.

Wyatt ( or Y-Y as he's been called recently) is always on the move. He's relentless and persistent if he wants something, especially cords and cables. He almost never falls over while sitting, we've never put pillows or anything around him. He's starting to pull up on things too. He'll crawl over anyone or anything that's in his way and wants to stand all the time now. When we try to put him down he "stiff legs" us as we call it. He loves to crawl back to Lincolns room and play and of course Lincoln loves to have him. He's making lots of noises, fake coughing, yelling and almost a mama sound. He loves to laugh and he has the best laughs ever, those fully belly laughs. He will follow JR around and yell because he wants his daddy to tickle him, throw him and make him laugh. It's hilarious. He's sleeping pretty good, some nights are better than others but he averages about 6-8 hours without intrerruption and like to eat every 4 around that one chunk of time. He's still pretty mellow and is along for the ride. Now if only I could figure out how to get him to sit in the cart when we grocery shop, he still insists on being carried around when we're out so I usually have in in the backpack or wrap but man is he heavy!

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