Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5&6 months, crawling and sharpees

Wyatt is now six months old he started crawling at five and a half months which is full month earlier than Lincoln ever crawled. I still have yet to weigh Wyatt but he's a big boy and likes to be carried around. Lincoln continues to be a great big brother but as you can see from the pictures below he is quite mischievous. I guess you could say it's my fault since I'm the one who put the sharpie in my robe pocket and then gave my robe to Lincoln to sleep with for a nap. He's adventurous to say the least and quite the artist. Wyatt continues to be a sweet little boy and he giggles and laughs all the time. The boys play together now and love each other which gives JR and I am nice break from entertaining. Now that I've given and then gotten an iPhone blogging might happen more often I know they might be shorter posts. If only my new phone could weigh and measure my child I'd be all good

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