Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter and 35 Weeks

Easter is such a wonderful day. To remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us is more than any of us can comprehend. I only hope we can teach our children what the real meaning on this holiday is. As Lincoln gets older I want to be able to see the understanding of what sacrifice is and how that sacrifice that was made for us changes the way we live. We did have a good time with the Easter baskets and family celebrations, in spite of the sickness that still had ahold of us. I did a terrible job of taking pictures. I wanted to get a picture of Lincoln with his cousin Lily to compare to last year and it never happened.
Easter baskets for my boys
Batman! Loovveee Batman
Cheesing with my new garden tools
Silly faces
Yum, my first ever Peep. Ugh, I don't know how he can eat those things
The Huff Family (only 5 weeks left in this picture!!)
Dad being silly
Playing with Drew and cousin Caleb
Easter egg hunt, the only one we got to have with the rainy weather
The only picture I've gotten so far of the Gutierrez side cousins. So cute in their Easter outfits
And lastly, getting a recorded book from Grandpa. Lincoln loves it, he's read it like 10 times a day since Sunday
35 Weeks!!!!! (now we only have 4 weeks left, I can't believe it's almost here)

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